MoveControl Members

MoveControl Overview

Public Enumerations

CursorState The types of Mouse-Cursor which can be displayed and used
MarqState Lists states of construction of a Marquee
MouseState Lists states of the condition of the Mouse Buttons
MoveState Possible states of movement that can be handled by this MoveControl


New(Control) Instantiates MoveControl based on Control being Moved
New(Control, Control) Instantiates MoveControl based on Control being Moved as well as its Parent Control
New() The plain-vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

Arena The Container Control on which the movement occurs
DynaLoc Dynamically computed Location of the Target
MarqueeState Records the state of construction of the current Marquee
MusState Records the condition of the Mouse Buttons at this time
PointerState Records the type of Mouse-Cursor currently displayed
StateOfMove The state of the movement being handled by this MoveControl
Target The Control which has its Location changed

Public Methods

DeleteMarq Deletes the Marquee when it is no longer needed
DrawMarq Draws the Marquee based on the DynaLoc Property
InitializeDynaLoc Used to re-initialize Dynaloc