frmGraphOptions Members

frmGraphOptions Overview


New() The Plain-Vanilla Constructor
New(SheetOfAssertion) Constructor specifying the calling SheetOfAssertion

Public Properties

HasHypothesisArea True iff the SheetOfAssertion Window has a Hyypothesis Area - i.e., this is not a ScratchPad Construction
HypAreaSizePerCent When the Construction is NOT a ScratchPad, Sets or Gets the percentage of the SheetOfAssertion Window occupied by the Root (in this case, Verso) SA, which is where Hypotheses can be placed
HypBorderIsVertical True iff the Hypothesis Area, should it occur, is divided from the rest of the SheetOfAssertion Window by a Vertical, rather than Horizontal Border
ReFontAllSpots True iff a change in SpotFont affects ALL Spots, and not just those instantiated after the change
RootSA The SheetOfAssertion at the Root of this Graph Construction
SABAckColor Background Color of the Root SheetOfAssertion
ShowDiagnosticLabels True iff the ContainerGraphs of this Construction will display Name-Path, Location, and Size in their NW corner
SpotFont The Font employed for the VAriable Name shown on Spots

Public Methods

LocationAsClientCoord Gives the Location of this Form in its own Client Coordinates
LocationAsScreenCoord Gives the Location of this Form in Screen Coordinates