Dot Members

Dot Overview

Public Enumerations

LIShape General geometric configuration of a Line of Identity/Dot


New() The plain-vanilla Constructor
New(String, ContainerGraph, Point, Size, Color, Boolean, CtxMenuStyle, Int32, Int32, LIShape, DragDirection, String) Constructor used to reconstruct a Dot from XML
New(Dot, ContainerGraph, Point) This is a Copy Constructor; primary use is in Reiterating and Inserting a Dot on Verso
New(ContainerGraph, Point, Size, Int32, LIShape, Color, DragDirection, Dot) Basic Constructor for the first scribing of a Dot/Line of Identity

Public Properties

BelongsToLigature True means this LI is assigned to a Ligature
BreakingPointAtMitosis When this Dot is broken, enables passing of the Point of the Break
DotColor Color information about this Dot
DotColorHEX Hexadecimal of Color information about this Line of Identity
DotShape General shape of this Line of Identity
End0 One end - normally the one closest to NW - of the LI
End1 The other end - normally the one furthest from NW - of the LI
IsExistentiallyQuantified True iff Ligature.Scope.IsRecto = True
IsMitosisChild True means this LI is the product of LI division
IsUniversallyQuantified True iff Ligature.Scope.IsRecto = False
Ligature The Ligature to which this Dot Belongs
LIWidth Width in pixels of this LI
MyDragDirection Direction of Drag used in creating this Dot
PathCountFromScope Count of the Graphs in PathFromScope
PathFromScope The portion of this Dot's Path rooted in the Scope of its Ligature
PathFromScopeTypeString Path Type-Names as a single String
PathRefsFromScope Collection of Refrences to Graphs in PathFromScope
PathStringFromScope Should be same as PathFromScope
PathTypesFromScope Array of the Type-Names of the Graphs in PathFromScope
RightEndLower "True" means orientation of this Dot is Upper-Left to Lower-Right; else Lower-Left to Upper-Right
RootSAWE Enables access to RootSA and Inventory WithEvents
ShowHookNumbers True means that number-names of this Dot's Hooks will be shown
Slope The Slope between End0 and End1 points of this Dot
SpotConnection Summarizes the connection of this Dot to a Spot (if any)

Public Methods

ContainsPoint Returns True iff a given Point is in the visible Region of this Dot
CreateNewLigature Instantiates an appropriate New Ligature when a New free-standing Dot is created
DeleteConnectionsToDot Overloads ProtoGraph.DeleteConnectionsToDot(D as Dot), taking D as this Dot
FindPointOnCenterLineAt Finds a point on the center-line of this LI/Dot corresponding to a given Point's abscissa or ordinate, depending on Slope of this LI
GetConnectedChain Returns Collection of Dots not only in this Ligature, but also chained by Hook Connections to present Dot
GetPathFromScope Computes values of a number of Properties relating this Dot to the Scope of its Ligature
IncludesHooksFromLigature Returns True iff this Dot belongs to the given Ligature; Overrides ProtoGraph.IncludesHooksFromLigature
IsBetaGraph Overrides ProtoGraph.IsBetaGraph; always Returns True for a Dot
IsDirectlyConnectedToDot Returns True iff this LI has an Immediate Connection to a given LI
IsStubForSpot If there is a Spot Connected, there is only one; the Spot and its Hook Connected to Me (and my Hook) are passed and True is Returned; False if no Connected Spot
LocateHooks Locates the End-Hooks for this LI
ProcessDotDeletion Handles the details when this Dot is deleted
SetDot Computes key properties of this Dot at various important times
SVGElement Overrides ProtoGraph.SVGElement, writing an SVG Element for this Dot
ToString () Returns a single-line String corresponding to this Dot
ToString (Boolean) Returns a String correspoonding to this Dot, with the Option of multiple lines
XMLElement Overrides ProtoGraph.XMLElement, writing an XML Element for this Dot